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a header image of water offering bowls


To make a donation with a credit or debit card, bank account, or Paypal account, click on the Donate button below. 

If you wish to make an donation to to a specific program such as for Tsokkhor, Troma Retreat, White Lotus School, Statue Project, etc. please select that option on Paypal and specify in the notes section. Please feel free to email us at
Thank you. 


To make a donation via check, please make it payable to "Kunzang Gatshal Foundation" and mail to the address below. Please include your legal name, address, and email in order to receive your year end tax deductible receipt. 


Kunzang Gatshal Foundation 

P.O. Box 7 

Delhi, NY 13753 


General offerings are the most flexible, however if you wish to make an offering for a specific purpose please read the following carefully. 

To make an offering for tsok for the daily sadhana practices, weekly special days, and for events such as Thinley Norbu Rinpoche's Dechod or Vajrakilaya Gutor, make your check payable to KGF Tsokkhor. 


To make an offering for the Krodhikali Troma Retreat make your check payable to KGF Throma. For more info regarding Troma Retreat offerings click here.

To make an offering for White Lotus School, or Guest House stays, please make your offering payable to KGF White Lotus School. 

To make an offering for the construction of the three large statues currently under construction, please make your offering payable to KGF Statue Project. 

All Checks can be mailed to the address above, deposited at the lock box at the Main House, or delivered to one of the KGF or WLS staff members on the premises. 

Thank you. 

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